Friday, June 17, 2011

Water storage tanks

I am completing a unique small masonry project.  This is to be a sub-surface water storage tank, made from triangular manufactured concrete block.  I will be using it as a “plunging tank” to cool off after taking a sauna.

This simple prototype uses an early version of the triangular block system described on this blog (here, here and here).  The blocks used for this tank do not utilize the interlocking key and keyway system.  I was just using up some of my older block.

This tank assembled quite easily.  It is incredibly strong, and is expected to last a very long time.  It will be filled with rainwater, as a proof-of-concept for a rainwater harvesting system.  Rain will be collected from the roof of the sauna (not yet built).  Water will be refreshed and kept from stagnating by simple replenishment from fresh precipitation.

Mortar was used in this model, although this system can also be assembled as a dry-stacked sphere.  Dry-stacking is especially easy with the key and keyway system, as described here.  A dry-stacked tank would require a bladder, or parge coat and sealant.

The use of mortar allows for the shape of the tank to be modified, if so desired.  Mortar can be applied in thicker or thinner amounts to vary the shape of the tank.  In this case, I made the sphere deeper, or elongated it almost like an egg.  This was to provide a deeper tank, for easy submersion.  It is around 8 feet deep.

I cast a pipe under the tank, so that I can run electrical wires, leading to a waterproof underwater light, at the bottom center of the tank.  This will be powered by a solar panel on the small roof of the tank.  I’m hoping it will provide an illuminated fishbowl effect.

I plan to coat the inside of the tank with inexpensive pool paint, since people will be “swimming” in it. 

The top of the tank will have a “wishing well” type roof on it.  It is important to shield the tank from sunlight, since this will encourage algae to grow.  There will also be a hinged lid on the tank to keep insects out.

I am hoping to be able to use this tank without chemicals such as chlorine or bromine.  I’ve installed a pump for circulation, as a back-up in case rain is infrequent.  This will help keep the water from stagnating, and will keep it somewhat oxygenated.

I plan to build another sphere soon, much like the water storage tank.  This other tank will be used as part of a septic system.  These tanks are inexpensive, very strong, high volume (around 1,500 gallons) and easy to install.  I will post my efforts on this blog as things move forward.

To see the tank completed, please look here.


  1. it's nice blog and creation so good .........
    Concrete Water Tanks

  2. real water storage information is hard to come by

  3. The design of the water tank looks good. Often function is the main focus for storage, as it should, but investing a little on the looks is a nice touch for the sake of architecture and whatnot.

  4. I keep on coming back here to check on the progress of this project :)

  5. Hello Frances, Thanks for your interest. I had a chainsaw accident in November and am still hobbling about with my foot in a cast. I am starting to do some more work, and will post more pictures before long. The sauna itself is coming together; I mention this because the roof of the sauna will act as the rain catchment area. Keep checking, and I'll have more to share soon.

  6. I like your idea for the design of your water storage tank. Although concrete water storage is common, your design surely is unique. One good advantage of concrete water storage is its durability and from the looks of your work, the tank looks sturdy as well. Hope to see the finished product of your design.

  7. Excellent and useful article! Thanks for taking the time to post this. this is very helpful to those searcher of water tank blog.

    underground water tank

  8. such a great work has done thanks for sharing and keep it up

  9. The information you have shared is no doubt really amazing.Thanks
    survival gear blog

  10. I appreciate this information about these concrete water storage tanks. It is good to know that the tank can be assembled quite easily. I am happy to learn that it is strong and expected to last a long time. Something to consider would be to seek professional help to ensure that the tank is set up properly for a price within your budget.

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  20. يتوافر الان لدى اكبر شركة جلى سيراميك فى الطائف احدث تقنيات البخار فى تنظيف السيراميك وجميع الارضيات والتخلص نهائيا من البقع والاوساخ كما تحصل على اقوى خدمات مقدمة من افضل شركة تنظيف مفروشات فى الطائف للحصول على العديد مواد التنظيف الخاصة بالموكيت والسجاد وجميع خامات المفروشات لجعلها كالجديدة تماما بالاضافة الى العديد من العمالة المتوفرة داخل شركة تنظيف منازل فى الطائف للعمل على تنظيف الشقق والفلات باقل الاسعار مع توفير مواد خاصة لمكافحة النمل الابيض فى الطائف ومنع ظهوره فى الحدائق الخاصر بالعمائر السكنية والفيلات كما يمكنك الان التواصل مع العديد من فنيين صيانة خزانات فى الطائف المتخصصين فى تنظيف وغسيل خزانات المياه بالاضافة الى العروض المقدمة من اكبر شركة نقل عفش فى الطائف مع توفير العديد من احدث السيارات المجهزة والمبطنة لنقل كافة الاثاث بسهولة ويسر كماتحصل على مواد امنة على صحة الانسان وفعالة فى القضاء على جميع انواع الحشرات متوفرة داخل شركة مكافحة حشرات فى الطائف باسعار خاصة جدا لعملائنا

  21. Such a nice blog. Thanks for sharing this informative article with us. Water Storage Tank

  22. مرحبًا أنا سيلفيا من مالاكا ماليزيا بسبب زيادة عدد المحتالين عبر الإنترنت كنت خائفًا من الحصول على قرض عبر الإنترنت ولكن عندما تقدمت بطلب ، حصلت على قرضي من شركة ISLAMIC REFINANCING LOAN منذ أن كنت جديدًا في شركة قروض أعتقد أن الحصول على قرض يمكن أن يكون بهذه السهولة والسهولة ، ورأى زملائي أن عملي قد تحسن بشكل كبير ، ثم فتحت لهم كيف حصلت على قرضي الذي تقدم به معظمهم ، والآن حصلوا على قرضهم أيضًا. تنمية أعمالنا في نمو خمس نجوم
    إذا كنت بحاجة إلى قرض أو مساعدة مالية كما حصلنا بالفعل ، أقترح عليك الاتصال بشركة القروض الإسلامية عبر البريد الإلكتروني: أو على WhatsApp: +15716666386 سأترك لك جهة الاتصال الخاصة بي أيضًا إذا كنت تريد ذلك الحصول على تفاصيل حول كيفية حصولي على القرض منهم
    اتصل بي مورتيانز سيلفيا البريد الإلكتروني:
