
Monday, October 17, 2016

"Artsy" and their Bucky Fuller Page

Today I received an email from a fellow named Matt, from the website "Artsy."  Matt informed me that their site has a Bucky Fuller Page, and that they would like "to be included as an additional resource for your visitors via a link on your page."  This is an apparently obvious connection since my work is concerned with domes, which was part of Fuller's focus also.

I am happy to oblige, so with this brief entry I am providing a link to their Bucky Fuller Page.

I have written a small amount about Fuller's work here on my blog, below are a few entries where I talk briefly about Buckminster Fuller, his work, and how it relates to my own work.

When Fuller means Less: the weight is over.

I have over 300 blog entries, so if you'd like to see what my interests are, just navigate around the blog.  I apologize, in advance, for some of my silly poems.  I was challenged to write poems about masonry for NaPoWriMo (National poetry Writing Month) which I did for 5 years, so I have 150 poems about masonry, all done in the month of April, which is poetry month.

Bucky's followers are usually strict adherents to his philosophy of design, which states that buildings must be evaluated by how much they weigh.  I do not ascribe to this evaluation criterion, because it means that all masonry building is bad.  Sorry, Bucky followers, please don't hate me for disagreeing with you and your leader, I understand the concept of economy of design, and doing more with less.  Masonry is inherently massive, and sometimes massive is good.  I remain a fan and admirer of Buckminster Fuller and his work.